Nashville Heart Ball


A Message from Our CEO

for position only

Together we are changing the way the world thinks about health and life. We’re transforming attitudes and behaviors, so people everywhere can experience the best possible health–today and for the rest of their lives … from generation to generation. Through research, education and advocacy, we are making an extraordinary impact … changing and saving lives — reducing disease, disability and death. The work that we’re doing … that all of YOU are doing … is leading to real, lasting change.

While there is much work ahead, we are in this together — for the lives of those we love. Thank you again for your generous support and unwavering commitment to our mission. You are making an impact on your community, on our nation and on the world.

Warm regards,

Nancy Brown
Chief Executive Officer
American Heart Association

Leadership Team

    2011 Heart Gala Chairs
  • Michelle and Jim Schmitz
    Executive Vice President, Regions

    Heart Society Chairs
  • Anita and Don Baltimore

    Auction Chairs
  • Belinda McSween
  • Leigh Manning
  • Michelle Schmitz

    Executive Leadership Team
  • Waverly Crenshaw
    Partner WallerLansden
  • Dr. Robert Fisher
    President, Belmont University
  • John Gawaluck
    Partner Ernst and Young
  • Gerald Geraghty
    President, Rogers Group
  • Kerry Graham
    President, BOHAN
  • Brooks Hubbard
    Vice President, Regions
  • Chip Manning
    Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Central Parking System
  • Floyd Shechter
    President, SmartSpace, LLC
  • Herman Williams
    Sr. Vice President Vanguard