Heart Healthy at Any Age
Today, we're learning more and more about the way our health needs change over time. While some things never change, like the need for a healthy diet, regular exercise and a positive attitude, other aspects of your health are simply due to your stage of life.
Age, however, can be deceiving. In Inspiring Stories you'll find the stories of several women who experienced heart-related incidents at age 35 and younger.
With that in mind, make it your goal to know your cholesterol and triglyceride numbers as well as you know your 401(K) balance and shoe size. Instead of counting wrinkles (not that you have any!) keep an eye on your calorie count - and eat from each of the six food groups as recommended by the USDA and the American Heart Association.
Above all, remember: Your body and current state of health are as unique as you are. That's why it's so important for women to find realistic heart health goals with the help of their doctors, and to be aware of the lifestyle choices that can decrease the risk of heart disease.
An ounce of prevention? Make that a gallon!