Open Your Heart

The Nashville Go Red for Women movement is building momentum….but we still have work to do. Heart Disease is still the No. 1 killer of women in America, claiming nearly half a million women each year- about a death a minute. That’s more lives than are claimed by the next five causes of death combined, and nearly twice as many as claimed by all forms of cancer including breast cancer. On the day of the luncheon all attendees will have the opportunity to open their hearts and give a personal gift that will fund research and programs to save women’s lives from heart disease.  Every woman that gives will be recognized in a special way on the day of the luncheon.  At the 2008 Go Red For Women Luncheon Nashville’s appeal to the room produced the largest day of giving in the nation raising $92,000! We know that with your help we can be as successful this year.


To make a donation, please click here. 

   luncheon presented by